AKMU’s first magazine photo-shoot: Scene from a fairy tale

2014-06-18 12:07 pm


[이데일리 e뉴스 김민정 기자] AKDONG MUSICIAN’s (AKMU) photos for a magazine were unveiled.

AKMU took photos for the July edition of Vogue Girl. Getting the motifs from “Hansel and Gretel,” AKMU reinterpreted the siblings of the story in their own unique way.

Unlike the scared siblings when they get lost in the forest or get trapped in the witch’s house, the sibling duo seems vivacious and fearless.

AKMU commented they have been greatly interested in photo shooting for magazines. They showed no sings of exhaustion after repeatedly climbing trees for the photos.

In an interview conducted with the photo-shoot, they disclosed unrevealed-stories related to their 1st album promotion, their dreams as children, and their other passions beside music.

Their first ever photo-shoot for the magazine and their interview will be available on the official homepage of Vogue Girl and its July edition.


2014. 6. 18.