YG’s Global Audition Begins In Busan on the 29th. Who will become the next WINNER or ikon?’

2015-08-17 03:37 pm


[텐아시아=이은호 기자] YG Entertainment (YG) released a promotional video for its global edition.

At 3PM on August 17, YG released a promotional video for its global audition titled “2015 YG AUDITION NEXT GENERATION” through Naver V app.

The phrase “次世代(차세대), NEXT GENERATION” fills the screen in the opening scene of the video. The video features WINNER and iKON members working out, playing instruments, making music, and practicing dancing at the YG Building or the Global Training Center.

The audition schedule was also announced. The audition will begin at Dongju University in Busan on August 29. It will also take place at the YG Global Training Center on September 5, in LA on September 12, and in New York on September 19. The dates for the auditions in Tokyo and Osaka will be announced when determined.

Only boys from the age of 11 to 23(born after 1992 and before 2006) are qualified to apply for this audition. Applicants can choose and apply for a maximum of two sections out of vocal, rap, and dance section and can submit applications online or onsite.

For details, refer to the official website for the audition.

2015. 8. 17.