‘Comeback’, Producer’s Take on MINO? ZION. T, “Full of Potential”

2020-10-26 11:19 am

[엑스포츠뉴스=김미지 기자] With the release of MINO’s second solo album ‘TAKE’ only 4 days ahead, an interview clip revealing MINO’s aspects as a producer and artist has been revealed, grabbing the attention of fans.

On October 26 at 9 AM, YG Entertainment uploaded a video titled ‘TAKE’ ON MINO INTERVIEW. It contained how the producers and artists who have participated on MINO’s 2nd album ‘TAKE’ saw MINO in their own perspectives.

The video began by cross-editing MINO’s various activities, prior to the interview. MINO as a friendly entertainer, as we all know, made a strong contrast with MINO focusing on his music as a producer.

BewhY, who participated in the song ‘Book store’ as a featuring artist, appeared as the first interviewee. He expressed MINO as a “Sincere person”. He also revealed how he as amused at him by stating, “He never cuts corners when he makes music”.

Producer Kang Ukjin, who composed·arranged the title track ‘Run away’ with MINO, explained him as “The type of person who plans out concrete and detailed music which fits his color and what he wants”.

Producer Diggy elaborated by stating, “He put in a lot of thought on how he will express his own material to the public. He’s a sincere friend”.

Producers CHOICE37 and HAE stated, “He always wants to try something new” and added, “He’s cool in the way how he tries hard and does his best to express everything by himself”.

2020. 10. 26.