2NE1’s ‘FALLING IN LOVE’ dance practice video unveiled – ‘harp’ dance the next big hit!

2013-07-12 06:25 pm


2NE1, through their dance practice video of ‘FALLING IN LOVE’, revealed the ‘harp’ dance.

YG Entertainment, on its official blog dubbed YG LIFE, and on its official YouTube channel, revealed the dance video of ‘FALLING IN LOVE’ on July 12.

In the video, the members joyfully dance along the reggae comeback song, revealing ‘harp’ dance – a movement that imitates harp playing. The choreography is the same for all the members, but their different styles make the dance even more interesting.

They raise their arms and do a wave all across the body, which accentuates the freeness of reggae. This movement is a work by a famous Japanese choreographer, Koharu Sugawa.

‘FALLING IN LOVE’ is 2NE1’s comeback song that is comfortable and light, unlike their past songs.

Many internet users, after viewing the video clip, commented, “2NE1’s ‘harp’ dance the next big hit!”, “2NE1’s ‘harp’ dance is different, like I imagined,” and “I love 2NE1’s ‘harp’ dance!”.

2NE1, starting with ‘FALLING IN LOVE’ in July, will be releasing one new song a month until October.

[매일경제 스타투데이 정연주 인턴기자]
