YG’s BOM&HI Releases Christmas Carol Today

2013-12-19 10:57 am
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[OSEN=이혜린 기자] YG ENTERTAINMENT (“YG”)’s new unit BOM&HI, who has been attracting keen attention, releases their Christmas carol at noon on the 19 this month, a day earlier than the original schedule.

YG disclosed “BOM&HI”s image in the afternoon on the 18 on its official blog (www.yg-life.com) and announced the release, saying “DEC. 19 PM12 DIGITAL RELEASE”.

YG said “The song had originally been planned to be opened at all music-streaming sites at midnight on the 20, but the schedule was advanced to 12pm on the 19 to help more people listen to it earlier, as people who are curious about the duo has consistently asked for an early release”.

BOM&HI newly interpreted Mariah Carey’s “ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU”, one of the most loved Christmas season songs, and created a wholly different version. It begins with LEE HI’s soulful voice and catches ears with the voice BOM and LEE HI taking turns as the song advances toward the climax like an impromptu jazz performance.

The song is recreated as a standard jazz ballad with a low tempo, instead of the cheerful and bubbly mood of the original version. It gives a calm and lonely feel so is receiving a good response from people who spend this year’s Christmas season alone.

BOM&HI unit is a collaboration project of YG and Samsung Electronics for celebration of Samsung’s launching of Samsung Music. The team has been drawing much attention recently.

2013. 12. 19.