WINNER unveils 4th Test Photo: 5 colors of charm
[스포츠동아=홍세영 기자] The 4th Test Photo of WINNER, YG Entertainment’s first boy group in 8 years, have been unveiled.
Under the title “WINNER-2014 S/S PRE-TEST PHOTO #4,” the photos were disclosed on YG’s official blog ( at 9 am on June 19.
Five images of the individual five member were unveiled, carrying each of their charms. Starting from KIM JINWOO, who looks at the camera leaning on the wall, dressed in an simple but stylish outfit, other photos like of NAM TAEHYUN, who strolls the beach in a navy shirt and white shorts catch the attention of many.
KANG SEUNGYOON holds a guitar dressed in blue ice jeans and striped t-shirt, while SONG MINHO shows off his masculinity at the dark beach. LEE SEUNGHOON is being all playful, fooling around with a curtain. The five photos indeed hold five unique colors of the members.
YG previously announced it will conduct a “TEST WEEK” for 5 days from June 16 to 20, where it reveals months-worth of concept photos—all of which are for the debut of WINNER.
The test photos are surely building expectations among the fans as they reveal sides that were never seen on “WHO IS NEXT: WIN” or “WINNER TV.”
Carrying on with the momentum, “TEST 5” is scheduled to be disclosed on June 20 at 9 am.
2014. 6. 19.