BIGBANG’s GD “A” Image Cut: Powerful Red “BANG BANG BANG”

2015-05-27 08:17 pm


[OSEN=김사라 기자] BIGBANG’s GD uploaded an image with such powerful feel that heightened the excitement for another comeback.

On May 27 GD uploaded an image on his Instagram. He added hashtags like #BIGBANG#MADESERIESA#20150601#MADE#BANGBANGBANG.

GD is dyed in red all over. His subtle frown makes everything more chic and powerful, heightening expectations for some dynamic music. The unique hairstyle also contributes to creating an atmosphere completely different to that of the “M” series.

Internet users who saw the image commented, “Excited about BANG BANG BANG,” “GD is so cool,” “What is the new concept like?

BIGBANG is scheduled to unveil the next series “A” on June 1, with the title track “BANG BANG BANG.”

2015. 5. 27.