[Music Talk Talk] BIGBANG vs. BIGBANG again, “LET’S NOT FALL IN LOVE” and “ZUTTER” sweeping all music charts for two days in a row

2015-08-06 08:55 am


[OSEN=손남원 기자] Is the only rival of BIGBANG is BIGBANG? It seems that nothing can stop the rush of BIGBANG who is releasing new songs for five consecutive months. Two new BIGBANG songs released on August 5 are showing BIGBANG’s formidable potential once again, sweeping the first and second places on music charts. The attack of complete team BIGBANG that began in May this year is shaking the Korean music scene, as the team dominates all the top places on charts and sets a new record in terms of streaming volume every time a new song is released.

As of August 6 at 7am, BIGBANG’s “LET’S NOT FALL IN LOVE” is in the top place on major music charts including Melon. “ZUTTER”, another new song for this August, seems to be the only rival of “LET’S NOT FALL IN LOVE”, competing against the song to take the No.1. “ZUTTER” that was ranked in the first place on the previous day came down to the second place, giving the No.1 to “LET’S NOT FALL IN LOVE”. As such, the BIGBANG vs. BIGBANG competition is becoming more and more exciting.

“LOSER” and “BAE BAE”, the double title of single “M” released in May, recorded a long run, taking the No.1 and No.2 places on charts, then in June, single “A”’s “BANG BANG BANG” and “WE LIKE 2 PARTY” also created sensation. “IF YOU” and “SOBER” of single “D” released last month also dominated music charts, taking the No.1 upon their release.

Now, “LET’S NOT FALL IN LOVE” and “ZUTTER” of the last single “E” of BIGBANG’s “MADE” series is marking a grand finale of the project. BIGBANG has dominated music charts for four consecutive months, and notably, “BANG BANG BANG” and “IF YOU” are still staying in top places on charts.

“LET’S NOT FALL IN LOVE” is a song included in newly-released single “E”, the last album of BIGBANG’s “MADE” project. “ZUTTER” is a song released by GD&TOP unit for the first time in five years, which drew keen attention from even before its release.

Such big success goes beyond Korea. Currently, the new songs are in the top place on the iTunes single album chart of 16 countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Chile, El Salvador, Finland, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macao, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Plus, they are in the second place on the same chart of six countries: Canada, Columbia, Norway, Romania, Slovenia, and Sweden, in the third place in the United States, and in the 17 place in the U.K.

It may seem to be only natural for any new song to take the No.1 on charts on the day of its release, in the current music scene that is eve changing at a very fast speed. However, there has been no such case like BIGBANG’s success for every album successively. In most cases, singers take the No.1 only for the day of the release of their new song. Thus, BIGBANG’s formidable power of taking the No.1 every month is drawing all the more attention.

Such an achievement is possible of course because of the power of BIGBANG’s music, the power of the quality of the music. Every song released by BIGBANG or BIGBANG’s unit team so far has taken the No.1 on charts, which shows the fact that the public has trust in the quality of the team’s music. Notably, BIGBANG members are so confident about their music, as they write their own songs. So, the reason why BIGBANG is so trusted and love by the public is because BIGBANG create quality music.

Notably, two songs released by BIGBANG every month have totally different colors and moods, which is a very effective strategy. For example, “IF YOU”, the most sentimental song ever among all BIGBANG songs, and “SOBER”, an exciting dance song that fits with the summer season, were released together, to draw bigger attention and popularity from music fans.

BIGBANG said that they will do a lot of TV performances in Korea with the two new songs for August, in addition to their ongoing world tour. As BIGBANG will actively perform in TV music shows this month, people are paying keen attention to what kind of new records and achievements BIGBANG will show again.

2015. 8. 6.
