YG’s YANG HYUN SUK was Right in Putting His faith in AKMU and Let Them Do Whatever They Want

2016-05-05 06:01 pm

[마이데일리=최지예 기자]  YANG HYUN SUK, the CEO of YG Entertainment, was right in putting his faith in the sibling duo AKMU (LEE CHAN HYUK and LEE SUHYUN).

After the showcase of their new album, which took place on May 5 at the Seoul Forest, AKMU had an interview with journalists. He began the interview by saying, “I’m thankful that so many people came.” He smiled and went on to say, “We’ve been on a break for such a long time, so I didn’t expect such a large audience.”

“I was worried because the album came out after a two year break, but twice as many people came compared with the showcase for our first album. It was encouraging and I feel that our second album kicked off to a good start” he added. More than 10,000 people came to AKMU’s showcase that day.

LEE CHAN HYUK, who produced AKMU’s new album, said, “Many people pointed out that our music has become more YG style. This is only natural as the producers of our music are YG producers. But, I also played a big part in producing our album, and because Mr. Yang allowed me to make a lot of decisions, I was able to grow as an artist.” He went on to say, “’RE-BYE’ can also be considered as our type of music. We want to put on a variety of bold performances. I did 98% of the producing for our new album. Mr. Yang told us that we can do whatever we want. When other people put forward their opinions, he told them to let us do whatever we want.”

LEE SUHYUN said, “If you ask us about the genre of our music, we would say that it is plainly ‘AKMU’. We don’t want to be bound by genres, and we just want to do our own music.”

When asked about how YANG HYUN SUK thinks about their new album, LEE SUHYUN answered, “He respects our music, so he never says that our music is not good. He usually makes comments like ‘This is good’ or ‘This needs something more’. But about the new album, he said that all the songs are good, which made our parent’s heart flutter as well as ours.”

LEE CHAN HYUK commented, “I couldn’t stop until I get what I want. No matter how much people praise SUHYUN’s voice saying that it was fine, I kept recording until I got what I wanted.” LEE SUHYUN said, “When recording, my brother is such a perfectionist. When I sing off key even a little bit or if I don’t enunciate the way he wants me to, then he makes me sing again. The recording was very stressful for him.”

LEE CHAN HYUK said, “‘SPRING Vol.1’ was released on SUHYUN’s birthday. Because my birthday is September 12, it will be nice if ‘SPRING Vol.2’ comes out then. Of course it’s up to Mr. Yang, but I think he is witty enough.” About his military service, LEE CHAN HYUK said, “I want to say goodbye right before starting my military service, so I don’t want to make any comments about that now.”

AKMU rounded off the interview by saying, “We are going to do a lot of promotions for this album. We’ll also hold a concert soon, so check it out.”

AKMU released a new album at 12 AM on May 4, and the album has been topping the charts for two days since then. 

2016. 5. 5.