BIGBANG hosts an exhibition to celebrate 10th anniversary of their debut… “Shows BIGBANG’s past, present, and future”

2016-07-01 09:28 am

[동아닷컴=홍세영 기자] BIGBANG hosts exhibition titled “BIGBANG10 THE EXHIBITION: A TO Z”, in celebration of the 10th anniversary of their debut. 

Starting from film “BIGBANG MADE” that is the first of the projects for celebration of the 10th anniversary of BIGBANG’s debut, BIGBANG will meet fans in a variety of channels, including “BIGBANG10 THE CONCERT : 0.TO.10” concert on August 20 and the exhibition. 

The exhibition “BIGBANG10 THE EXHIBITION: A TO Z” will be hosted from August 5 to October 30 at S-FACTORY located in Seongsu-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul.

The exhibition that shows the past, present, and future of BIGBANG will give visitors an opportunity to look into BIGBANG from a variety of perspectives, in line with the theme of “Five perspectives to see BIGBANG” under which 26 words directly picked by the members of BIGBANG in an order from alphabet A to Z.

Notably, the exhibition will offer a one-stop experience to see all the pieces of work that represent BIGBANG for the past 10 years, including their albums, photos, costumes, videos, interviews, music video sets, and concert stages, as well as contents newly created in celebration of the 10th anniversary. Therefore, the exhibition will provide fans with a very special chance to witness the new future ahead of BIGBANG.

The exhibition is not just for showing, unlike art galleries and museums are. Anticipation for the exhibition is growing high, as BIGBANG members themselves cherry-picked every piece of the display out of important things that have made today’s BIGBANG and the exhibition itself has a format which enables close communication between BIGBANG and fans with direct participation of BIGBANG members in the planning and production.

Furthermore, an interactive section in which visitors can get first-hand experience and enjoy tryout events will be created. Including VR tryout, video-playing, and an opportunity to listen to playlists of BIGBANG’s own selection, spaces to give special experiences for visitors will be available at exhibition “BIGBANG10 THE CONCERT : 0.TO.10”.

2016. 7. 1.