Eun Jiwon of “꽃놀이패” said, “I’m excited to do a TV show together with SECHSKIES member Lee Jaijin”

2016-08-22 01:39 pm

[헤럴드POP=임지연 기자] SECHSKIES’ Eun Jiwon talked about his new TV show with another SECHSKIES member Lee Jae-jin.

In production briefing of SBS TV’s new show “FLOWER CREW” held on August 22 in the morning at SBS Hall located in Mok-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Eun Jiwon said, “I’m excited to do a TV show with Lee Jaijin”.

Eun Jiwon said, “I have experienced all the hard things so far in my life, so I’m curious about what kind of luxuries are out there. I wanna find out how nice it is and if it will make me exclaim wow. It’s the first shooting and I’m excited to do a TV show together with Lee Jaijin.”

Then, he made the attendees of the briefing burst into laughter by saying, “I think ‘FLOWER CREW’ is a very fresh new combination. The point of this show is that we can rely on no one.”

“FLOWER CREW” is a new format of a TV show in which the cast members are divided into the “easy way team” that enjoys all possible luxuries of travel and the “hard way team” that has to complete the two nights and three days of trip despite all the challenges and unfavorable conditions, according to the real-time voting during broadcasting. The first episode of the show will be aired on September 5 at 11:10PM.

2016. 8. 22.