[★SHOT!] YANG HYUN SUK X WINNER, dinner in celebration of quintuple crown in TV music shows… Promise kept
[OSEN=김은애기자] YG Entertainment’s CEO and head producer YANG HYUN SUK boasted his friendly relationship with WINNER.
On April 26, YANG posted a photo on his Instagram, saying, “WINNER #WINNER #celebrating quintuple crown #dinner #goodpeople #goodtime #meaningful evening #flushed group photo #really really deep talk #WINNER & HYUN SUK #YG”.
In the photo unveiled on YANG’s Instagram, he is looking into the camera with his arms around WINNER’s KANG SEUNGYOON, LEE SEUNGHOON, SONG MINHO, and KIM JINWOO. The five men huddled together are creating a warm and friendly scene.
On the same day in earlier evening, WINNER appeared in SBS FM’s radio show “Choi Hwa-jung’s Power Time” and said, “We’re going to have dinner with Mr. YANG tonight (in celebration of our quintuple crown in TV music shows). We’ll have really nice food”.
2017. 4. 26.