YG Releases Teaser images of ONE’s New Song and Says, “It will be difficult to guess what ONE’s new song will be like”
[헤럴드POP=박수인 기자] On June 26, YG Entertainment revealed teaser images showing ONE and his solo debut date. ONE appeared in season 4 and 5 of Show Me The Money.
In the teaser images, ONE’s dark hair is blowing in the wind, and he has earphones on. The teaser images have become quite an issue online because ONE looks so handsome in them as if he has jumped right out of a romance cartoon.
YG is known to not care for looks when choosing their musicians. But now, from ONE to BLACKPINK, YG artists are pretty and handsome. When ONE was on Show Me The Money, participants said, “Even guys will have to admit that he is handsome.”
ONE has a pure and innocent look, and when he was doing Show Me The Money, he charmed everyone with his kind personality.
However, in the two teaser images that YG released today, ONE is far from looking kind. Unlike the teaser images that were revealed in the morning, he has a crooked look with his uniform neck tie untied and a rebellious facial expression and eyes. ONE has shown conflicting images of himself in the teasers, and people are debating over what kind of music, performance, and music video ONE will present this time.
ONE appeared in the season 4 and 5 of Show Me The Money, and for the past two years, he has been honing his song-writing skills to debut as a solo musician under the guidance of YANG HYUN SUK.
YG raised the expectations by saying, “It will be difficult to guess what ONE’s new song will be like. It will be something quite unexpected for everyone.”
YG will promote ONE’s new solo song by releasing teasers until July 11.
2017. 6. 26.