[Starcast] Review and Preview of iKON’s Picnic
Hello, readers of Naver Starcast!
In last week’s first episode of ‘iKON’s Picnic’, members of iKON went on their first ever school trip!
Beautiful Jeju Island under the clear blue autumn sky.
And boys with even brighter smiles than the blue sky. Did you get a chance to meet them?
Boys of iKON enjoyed a deviation from live and stiffened their friendship for 4 nights and 5 days!
A somewhat special idol school trip. We will reveal hidden stories that wasn’t even shown in the broadcasted episode,
exclusively for you readers of Starcast!
Hon-Jeo-Op-Seo-Ye (Jeju dialect of ‘Welcome’) – All seven of us arrived in Jeju Island!
The charismatic student supervisor Hyeong-don, lining up students. Attention all students!
Boy meets girl under the blue sky!
Nice to meet you – time for a self-introduction! JAY, what are you looking at?
The leader always starts first! Here’s the mic.
I’m B.I, the official class clown of YG high school- (raises hand)
I’m BOBBY with the elder brother vibe, just returned to school after a leave of absence
I manage the mood in this place! I’m JU-NE, the life of the party.
I’ll take care of funds since I’m meticulous! I’m the authority fig… I mean general affairs manager SONG!
JAY with his flowery smile, I’ll handle Japanese!
I’m DK the dance director, king of all dances-
I’m CHAN, the physical education director-
All members through youngest CHAN done with self-introduction!
Is this object called a smartphone?
B.I looking happy after taking a selfie. Show us fans that selfie too!
Don’t forget to put allowance money from our CEO in your bags!
iKON’s Picnic with the world’s sweetest smize!
Let’s begin our Jeju Island tour~!
Everyone follow captain JAY’s lead!
Healing time with Jeju Island’s beautiful sea!
First lunch menu is Chinese Jajangmyeon! This is how you eat Jajangmyeon, you mix the sauce like this-
Roar! I’ll eat the whole thing at once!
Let’s move to our accommodation with our yellow chick school bus!
The entrance ceremony of iKON’s Picnic starts with a pledge
BOBBY, the king of questions, I have a question!
Both eyes shining, everyone pay attention!
Wait! You thought you could do whatever you want in here? Baggage inspection time-
B.I, open your bag please
My rough bag
My shaken look
And you watching it~♬
Boys in excitement, smiling so happily makes my heart pound♡
Teachers quarrelling, SONG – nice catch!
Good looking 12th grade senior student while break period (a.k.a boyfriend look)
We can’t forget the talent show, the beauty of school trips!
No, it’s not a beauty contest!
Changed clothes and ready to go
Everyone to the stage! GET READY? SHOW TIME!
Spotted the camera while eating snacks!
BOBBY now back to elder student mode
Now, enjoy iKON’s jolly dance party! (Feat. A common excitement moment for beagles)
Are you curious about the beagle… I mean the idol beauty, overflowing iKON’s Picnic?
Meet us at JTBC’s
2017. 11. 6.