“Swag Explosion” … iKON’s BOBBY Reveals His Unexpected Charisma [PICTORIAL]

[스포츠조선=김영록 기자] iKON’s BOBBY displayed overflowing swag.
Group iKON’s BOBBY decorated the cover for the September edition of , the fashion media magazine.
The pictorial was shot in a special location reformed from what used to be a US military base, to present BOBBY’s unmatched charms and swag. BOBBY looked perfect in his preposterous purple hair and streetwear with impressive colors, revealing his aspects as a fashion icon who leads the current trend.
While he dominated the scene with his confident posture and charismatic eyes, he also revealed his unexpected charms by melting the hearts of people at the scene with his unique eye-smile and kindness.
Related officials revealed behind-the-scenes stories by stating, “BOBBY revealed his affections towards the pictorial by presenting his own ideas on props and outfits, as he is known for his interest in fashion. We were surprised at the broad spectrum of his fashion sense, as he made everything from high-end fashion brands to street brands into his own”.
BOBBY’s pictorial will be available on August 20 through the 2018 September edition of .
2018. 8. 22.