YANG HYUN SUK Reveals JINU’s Filming Scene… “Noticing a Comeback?”
[매일경제 스타투데이=이우주 인턴기자] YG Entertainment’s representative producer YANG HYUN SUK revealed WINNER JINU’s filming scene, raising the curiosities of fans.
On December 4, YANG HYUN SUK uploaded a video on his Instagram with captions, “Figuring out the lyrics”.
The uploaded video showed WINNER’s JINU staring at the camera while reciting the lyrics. The video with JINU’s sincere eye acting was muted, so the viewers could not figure out the exct lyrics.
YANG HYUN SUK also uploaded a photo of JINU lying in the bed with the caption, “Who are you”, raising the attention of fans.
The fans revealed their excitements by guessing, “Is WINNER making a comeback” and “Is JINU making a solo debut”.
They also responded by writing, “Is JINU oppa making a comeback”, “I’m curious what he’s saying, I think he’s saying ‘~Wanna give it to you’ in the end”, “I don’t know nothing about the lyrics, all I know is JINU is handsome”, “He’s so handsome”, and “I can’t work today because of JINU”.
Meanwhile, group WINNER, which JINU is part of, made debut back in 2014 and released numerous hits including ‘EVERYDAY’ and ‘REALLY REALLY’.
2018. 12. 4.