YG TREASURE Surpasses 1 Million Accumulated Album Sales

2021-01-20 12:04 pm

[헤럴드경제=서병기 선임기자] YG rookie group TREASURE’s ‘THE FIRST STEP’ series has surpassed a total of 1 million in album sales. Their success was achieved in only 5 months since their debut, which is grabbing the people’s attention.

According to YG Entertainment on January 20, 281,845 copies of TREASURE’s official debut album ‘THE FIRST STEP : TREASURE EFFECT’ were sold as of yesterday.

It is TREASURE’s own best record achieved in only a week since its official release on the 12th. The 3 single albums TREASURE has previously released have reached approximately 230~250 thousand in album sales, each.

As a result, TREASURE set a meaningful milestone of surpassing 1 million accumulated album sales through ‘THE FIRST STEP’ series, after the release of their official debut album. It is ‘THE FIRS STEP’ by TREASURE, who lived up to their nickname, the ‘global super rookies’.

After making debut last year on August 7, TREASURE’s popularity stood out in Korea and Japan. In fact, looking at the album sales statistics by nation, sales made in Korea and Japan made up 26% of total sales respectively, adding up to more than 50%. 20% of the sales were made in Southeast Asian countries, 15% in China, 8% in Europe, and 3% in North America.

One can assume that the 4 Japanese members among the 12 members of TREASURE are supporting their expansion in global popularity. Considering that their firm popularity established in Korea simultaneously spread out to Japan, the neighboring country with the second biggest music market in the world, TREASURE’s growth in the future will be even more explosive.

TREASURE’s success shows that YG’s fast·concentrated strategy worked. TREASURE, the group with an average age of 18 with infinite potential, got together with YG’s thoroughly prepared strategy and systematic support, creating a positive synergy effect.

Considering that TREASURE is a K-Pop rookie group who has made debut less than half a year ago and that they have not had official promotional activities overseas, the prevailing opinion is that the ‘TREASUE EFFECT’, which will impact the entire globe, has only just begun.

Moreover, TREASURE is receiving positive reviews for the fact that they’ve showed off their dynamic performances along with their upgraded writing and composing skills by releasing music in different moods, every time they’ve made comeback.

From their debut song ‘BOY’ to ‘I LOVE YOU’, ‘MMM’, and ‘MY TREASURE’, TREASURE has showed their broad musical spectrum, which leaded to a sturdy fan base composed of various age groups.

TREASURE has hit the peak of ‘THE FIRST STEP’ series, which has been ongoing for a long time. The hopeful message of ‘Like the fresh sky awaits us, better days will shine’ on the lyrics of ‘MY TREASURE’ echoed not only among numerous music fans, but also on TREASURE themselves.

2021. 1. 20.