Yang Hyun Suk Says, “YG’s New Girl Group Will Not Put up Sex Appeal”
[enews24 안소현 기자] “Not a sexy girl group!”
YG Entertainment’s head producer Yang Hyun Suk mentioned his plan for the debut of YG’s new girl group.
In a press meeting held on the 26 after BIGBANG’s Seoul concert, Yang said, “We will make four new groups debut this year”.
He went on to say, “We aim to make a new girl group debut in the first half of this year. What is clear now is that they will not be a girl group that puts up sex appeal”.
Before the remark, Yang once stated, “I will create a girl group that does hip-hop music with an appearance like Girl’s Generation”. Actually, last year, nice appearance of some female YG trainees including Jenny Kim who featured for G-DRAGON’s solo album was disclosed, which drew much attention.
Yang made the people at the press meeting laugh by saying, “To my eyes, they are pretty of course. But what soldiers see is different from what I see”. Then, Yang went on to express his wish for the success of the new girl group, saying, “I think capabilities are the most important. In fact, the girl group who represents our times is Girl’s Generation. I hope YG’s new girl group can follow their footsteps”.
2014. 1. 27.