BOBBY’s “HOLUP!” and MINO’s “BODY” Hit a Total of 5 Million Views
[OSEN=선미경 기자] iKON’s BOBBY and WINNER’s MINO each released solo tracks a couple of days ago, and the music videos posted three and two million views, respectively.
BOBBY’s “HOLUP!” music video was released on September 7, and in just a day, the music video posted a million views. And then, as of 8 AM on September 10, it surpassed three million views at 3,285,297.
MINO’s “BODY” music video was released a day after BOBBY’s, and it hit a million views in just a day. As of 8 AM on September 10, it surpassed two million views at 2,478,314.
BOBBY’s “HOLUP!” music video features home-party like scenes, colorful CG effects, and BOBBY’s fit body. BOBBY looks tough and energetic in the music video.
MINO’s “BODY” music video consists of sensual and dreamlike scenes and shows MINO’s masculine side. The swimming pool kiss scene has become a big issue as it shows that MINO is no longer a boy any more.
After their successful debut as solo artists, BOBBY and MINO’s sub-unit MOBB released “HIT ME” and “FULL HOUSE” on September 9. In just two days after the release, their songs topped the iTunes charts in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.
The music videos of “HIT ME” and “FULL HOUSE”, which were uploaded on Naver TV Cast and Youtube, posted 1,747,770 views combined.
Meanwhile, MOBB is to perform their two songs for the first time on SBS’s Inkigayo on September 11. They will continue to promote the new songs through a promotion campaign titled “MOBB TOWN”.
2016. 9. 10.